S.M.W "Molex" Power Pin Remover

4,99 €
inkl. 19% USt. , zzgl. Versand

Der S.M.W (Save my wallet) Power Pin Remover für das auspinnen von Molex Power Terminals

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Lieferzeit: 2 - 4 Werktage

S.M.W "Molex" Power Pin Remover
4,99 €
inkl. 19% USt. , zzgl. Versand

S.M.W. "Molex" Pin Remover

Der S.M.W. (Save my wallet) Pin Remover ist ein günstiger Pin Remover für das entfernen von "Molex" Power Terminals (4Pin Power Kabel). Beste Qualität für einen günstigen Preis!





Our famous S.M.W (Save-My-Wallet) Pin Remover is the most perfect and also cheapest "Molex" Pin Remover for the fat-4-pin connectors (male and female), sometimes incorrectly called “Molex” connectors. With the two high-precision, custom made tubes (made in Germany of course), you get all you need for these pins and can build your own 4-pin Pin Remover in a creative way.

The photos show you an example of a possible assembly. This is just one of many methods and we bet that you can find other solutions that are even cooler. The application of this tool is very easy: Depending on the pin-size ("Molex" 4-pin), you use one of both tube sizes which fits. Put it over the pin, push it as deep into the connector as possible (also push the cable towards the Pin Remover) and then just pull the cable out of the connector.

"Molex" Pin Removers for the extraction of these specific pins are usually sold for 7 to 10 Euros. We created this tool in order to offer you a perfectly precise solution for the job and save your wallet at the same time: "Save My Wallet Edition". Best quality, lower price!

This Pin Remover for the fat-4-pin connector-pins is the ideal partner for the original MOLEX Pin Remover. You own the best tool-kit if you get both. For 3-pin fan-connectors and USB-connectors, it's best to use a nail-scissor or similar home-tools, because they simply work better than "modding-toys".


Artikelnummer: 606


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