Original Pin Remover by Molex

29,99 €
inkl. 19% USt. , zzgl. Versand
Originaler Molex Pin Remover zum entfernen von Mini Fit Jr. Terminals
11 Auf Lager

Lieferzeit: 2 - 4 Werktage

Original Pin Remover by Molex
29,99 €
inkl. 19% USt. , zzgl. Versand

Der Orignale Pin Remover von der Markenfirma "Molex"

Hergestellt in den USA eignet sich dieser Pin Remover bestens für das Auspinnen von PCI-E, ATX & EPS Terminals/ Kabeln. Dieses Werkzeug ist kein günstiger Abklatsch, sondern das perfekte Tool für Perfektionisten die Wert auf hochwertige Arbeit legen.

Jeder Pin Remover wird vor Auslieferung geprüft und getestet, damit Sie ein qualitativ hochwertiges Werkzeug bekommen, welches zu 100% perfekt funktioniert.



This is the only official Pin Remover for the extraction of ATX, PCI-E and EPS crimp-terminals – and of course it is the finest. When you own the MOLEX, you will have the best imaginable chance to succeed with a technically clean pin removal.

Made in the USA, the one and only official extraction tool! By the creator of the official ATX, PCI-E and EPS specifications: The MOLEX Company. The 100% perfect manufacturing by MOLEX is 100% according to the specifications which the MOLEX Company uses for all their connectors and pins. No compromise, no manufacturing tolerances. This extraction tool is the opposite of the modding-toys, which try to imitate it for lower cost or higher profitability.

Why are other extraction tools or methods avoided by professionals
Of course you could extract the wires from the connectors by using other tools or even staples, but the other “tips” are mostly thicker than the tips of the original MOLEX Pin Remover.

Why are other extraction tool tips usually thicker?

Thicker tips would be needed with lower quality materials, so they do not instantly break off if used slightly wrong. The MOLEX Pin Remover tips can only get damaged with serious human error in the extraction process.

Thicker tips would theoretically make the extraction easier, which many think is the main quality aspect, but that is very short-sighted and dangerous. If something is thicker than the MOLEX tip specifications, it will damage or reduce the highly important flexibility of the locking tabs on the sides of the crimp terminal.

What would happen?

The crimp terminal would not hold securely in the connector later on and could move out of Position/ fall out of the connector.

Artikelnummer: 605


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